Join gaming leaders, alongside GamesBeat and Facebook Gaming, for their 2nd Annual GamesBeat & Facebook Gaming Summit | GamesBeat: Into the Metaverse 2 this upcoming January 25-27, 2022. Learn more about the event.

If you've ever wondered how much money you've spent on video games in your life, Valve may have an answer for you. But you'll probably just regret looking it up.

For example, I've spent $858.25 on Steam, according to a new "External Funds Used" tool that Valve has added to its game-distribution platform. That number is simultaneously really big and not as large as it could be.

The thing is that a lot of the games in my Steam library were free. I got codes for work, and it's been that way for years. It's definitely been that way since I started primarily playing on PC. And yet, even though I get most games at no cost, I've somehow still spent nearly $900. It makes me wonder how much I would've spent if I had another job instead of writing about games for a living.

If you're wondering how much you've spent, you can do so easily. Just click this link to the Steam account spend tool, log into your Steam account, and then check the "Total Spend" row.


The 2nd Annual GamesBeat and Facebook Gaming Summit and GamesBeat: Into the Metaverse 2

January 25 – 27, 2022

Learn More

Don't feel like you have to share it, but I'm curious to see how big that number gets for some people. I'm imagining that some hardcore players are in the five figures.

I'm also wondering if someone who has spent a lot of time and money on free-to-play games like Dota 2 will even have the heart to look at this. How much are those hats worth to you now?


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