
How To Make Big Money In Kenya

10 Fascinating Facts About Kenya


Located right along the equator in East Africa is one of the continent's better-known countries: Kenya. The beautiful country is a popular travel destination. Here are some fascinating facts to learn about Kenya, Africa before heading there on vacation.

Kenya Has Two Official Languages

The two official languages of Kenya are Swahili and English. However, the 43 million people living in the country speak a variety of other languages. Many speak one or more of a dozen indigenous languages in addition to or instead of the two primary languages.


Kenya Is the Birthplace of Humans

Although it's hard to tell definitively, scientific evidence points to the theory that the area of Northern Kenya and Tanzania is the original birthplace of humans. To date, the earliest bones of humans have been discovered here.


Tourism Is Big Business in Kenya

Tourism is a big income generator in Kenya. Though not the largest contributor to the nation's GDP, tourism attracts millions of people from all over the world. Many tourists visit to check out the elephants, lions, leopards and other wildlife native to the area.


Kenyans Drink Beverages at Room Temperature

While grabbing a drink from the refrigerator or adding ice to a beverage might be common practice in the United States, it's not so common in Kenya. Many Kenyans do not own a refrigerator. That means they typically drink beverages and store their food at room temperature.


Many Children Don't Go to School

Like the United States, Kenya has a public school system that's open to all children. However, school isn't compulsory, and many children don't even have time to go. Instead, they must help their families by tending to cattle, farming, transporting water and cooking.


Kenyans Don't Drink Coffee

If you're a coffee drinker, there's a good chance that you've tasted coffee beans from Kenya. It's one of the biggest crops and moneymakers in the nation, but the people there don't drink it often or at all. It's a huge product to export, and Kenyans believe it should all be exported. They prefer to drink tea and beer instead — both at room temperature.


Kenya Gained Its Independence in 1963

Like many other African countries, Kenya has had a tumultuous history when it comes to government. It only gained its independence from the United Kingdom in 1963. In 2010, it went through another shift when the country's new constitution split the nation into 47 separate counties.


Kenyan Men Can Have Multiple Wives

It's not uncommon for Kenyan men to have multiple wives. Unlike the United States where people can only have one spouse, men in Kenya can have as many as they wish. However, it comes at a price. Dowries are common practice in Kenya. Men must pay a dowry to their brides' families before they can wed. Dowries start at 10 cows.


Kenya Is Home to the Big Five

The Big Five refers to five animals that early game hunters identified as the most dangerous and hardest to hunt. Many are endangered, and it is illegal to hunt them. However, people who visit Kenya for a safari hope to capture a glimpse and a photograph of these majestic creatures. The Big Five are lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo and rhinoceros.


Kenya Has Diverse Ecosystems

When many people visualize Kenya, they picture the dry, grassy savannas or desert ecosystems. While these are both present in Kenya, it's landscape also includes swamps, mountains and forests with a wide range of plant and wildlife.


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