
Do Short Story Blogs Make Money

Make money by writing short stories or any kind of writing, you can make money by simply writing: want to know how to make money as a content writer?

Even if you want to make money writing short stories and want to learn how to make money online by writing stories.

  • You can write about anything as long as people are searching for.
  • You can start making money writing fiction content.

If you want to know short story blogs make money and how to make money by publishing and selling short stories?

This guide will cover everything you need to know and step-by-step, easy-to-follow plan that you can start make money blogging, today.

With that said, you will need to invest a small buck like $2.95 per month to get started. Just to let you know upfront.

If you're ready, check out my #1 resources here.

1. Make Money by Writing in 4-Easy Ways

Writing will always be the highest paying job. Video is also growing that most people would like to watch video than reading. However, written form will put the readers into an action-taker than watching a video.

As readers have to invest the effort to actually read the content whereas listening to video can be as entertaining as going to a movie, the number of action-takers just not enough.

If they don't take action on what you write, you don't make money. These 4 easy ways to make money by writing:

1.1. Get an Online Writing Publishing Hub

If you want to make money writing short stories or make a living writing short stories, starting a blog allows you to do, just that…. make money online. How?


I'll share with you in this post, it is ultimate strategy to use for growing your business as a writer. – Check this guide on how to start travel a blog – I said travel blog, or any types of blog, the process on how to start your blog is the same.

Your passion could be towards writing in the affiliate marketing model, you don't even have to write to make money online, that's why I wrote this guide on how to make affiliate marketing money – I use the exact step showing in the guide that you can check.

Next one…

1.2. Become a Freelance Online

Bloggers will not just write for them, they're also writing for other companies. Companies are big and they need people to make money writing fiction or make a living writing short stories for them.

They need a large amount of quantity of content on a daily basis that's where you come in as a freelance to get paid for your writing short stories.


The hard part is reaching out to them, when you send them email, it's important to show them that you have experience for writing, that's how your money-making stories that you published on your blog could be used as your portfolio.

It's important to have your blog setup and have content on it, which you'll need to include in your email.

In your email, you'll need to share everything about your work, some samples of your work. Then, they have a good feeling about your experience to reply back to you.

Later down this post, I'll share with you one paying company for make money by writing short stories, that you could start to look into.

1.3. Self-Publishing on Autopilot

Self-publishing is a more formal to way to make money writing stories. You don't work with a blog in this case. But self-publish is to publish your writing, stories, poem, book on  all the book platforms and such as Scribd or Amazon.

You can decide whether to sell at a preferable price range as not many people know of your work.

  • This again, would took me back to starting a blog, a blog is more publication way to get more people to read your money-making stories.

When you writing for your blog, you'll get readers from Google which is free. As they read, they're building a greater relationship with you, and buy from you. – Learn how to start a blog.

1.4. Make Money by Writing Submit to Magazines

This is similar to being a freelance. In this case, you don't write for the company.

You're actually selling your stories with the company which means, when your stories are sold. It's them to use without giving you any credits. – That sounds fair due to the that fact that you sold it to them.

  • Whereas being a freelance, you're writing for them, they might or might not pay you but you still have the credits to use your own article and get paid writing. For example, they can give you credits about your writing and a link back to your blog.

Overall these 4-easy ways to make money writing short stories, you can definitely make a living writing short stories. It's important that you're prepare by starting a blog first before you implement these method to make money online.


Checkout my #1 resources.

2. How to Make Money Writing Articles

Write short stores online requires you to read more book prior to writing. The purpose of you're writing stories online is to give the readers an interesting summary of book that you read.

Is that meaning you'll have to buy a book to read and summarize to make money by writing short stories?


  • To effectively write stories, you'll have to pick a book with many reviews on Amazon by readers
  • Find a person that do book review on that book by typing in Google "book title + reviews"
  • Find that stories and rewrite them.

Never copy and paste, Google doesn't duplicate content and you can't make money by writing on Amazon by copying.

It's time to get paid, right? Next…

2.1. Magazines that pay for short stories

Make money by publishing and selling short stories is another way to make a living.

  • Go to PenPee, sign up for it: Begins to build your profile – you don't need 10,000 reviews before you can make money by writing, but you only need one.

That's where promoting come in, when you don't have a blog, it's harder to promote other people websites. What worst, you're spending your effort to promote for their website and this sounds very similar to sharing affiliate link.

Promoting affiliate links, you can make at least 40% to 75% commission, where you're selling stories, the commission is extremely low – what I'm seeing now less than 10% commission.

When you sell your stories on your own blog, it represents the professional that increases the value of your money-making stories.

Learn how to start a travel blog.

2.2. Make Money by Writing For #1 World Top Company

Current number one standing company that you can make money online from is Google. If you want to sell short stories for cash, make a living writing short stories or even magazines. Where are you look for company that pay for short stories?


Google is a search engine, people will always be searching for your stories on it. Why should you be looking for another company to make money by writing?

That's right, Google. I'll share with you a few steps you can work get started right now:

  • Start a blog: you can write anything here.
  • Do book reviews: if you a book has thousands of reviews on Amazon, simply write a review on "book title + reviews" to your blog.
  • Promote the reviews: I mention one of the best method to promote is to use Facebook that I share on this article, make money with affiliate marketing. – that's it!

Short Stories for Money: #25 Best Places to Submit.

1. The New Yorkers


The New Yorkers is one of the top league to get with. So far, I've only been seeing people that made in the millions dollar range to be featured such millionaire_mentor on Instagram with millions of Instagram followers that I follow to build my Instagram page.

According to author David. B. Comfort, calculated the odds of an approval is 0.0000416 percent!

Isn't insane?

It accepts both standard short fiction or humorous short fiction, and the word could be at least 1,000 words or more if they have more competitions, the word counts could be more.

Deadline: Open.

Payment: None specified. As of this post's publication, no rates specifically for short stories.

2. The Atlantic


Another huge place for make money by writing short stories, highly respected magazine and specialize in writing short stories fiction and non-fiction.

For maximum exposure the company is quite similar to the criteria that I mentioned you should prepare for, to stay ahead of the competitors so that your short stories could get approved.

Deadline: Open.

Payment: Generally unpaid.

3. The ThreePenny Review


A great magazine for submit short stories for money, they focus into literature, arts and society, memoir and essay. Your short stories shouldn't be more than 4,000 words which this is could change while the "table talk" section (irreverent, pithy, and humorous musings on culture, art, politics and life) should be at least 1,000 words.

Deadline: January to June

Payment: $400 for short stories; $200 for Table Talk pieces.

4. Zoetrope: All-Story


Short stories for money magazines found by Francis Ford Coppola and Adrienne Brodeur in 1997. Zoetrope: All-Story's mission is "to explore the intersection of story and art, fiction and film" and "form a bridge to storytellers at large, encouraging them to work in the natural format of a short story." Submissions should be 7,000 words max.

Deadline: Change quite often that you have to check their submission period.

Payment: None, you could earn some prestige points though.

5. One Story


One story only accepts short stories every three to four weeks. Short stories can be in any style but should be at least 3,000 words to 8,000 word counts.

Deadline: January 15 – May 31 | September 3 – November 14

Payment: $500 plus 25 contributor copies.

6. The Antioch Review


The Antioch Review rarely publish more than 3 short stories for money per period. They are more open to established writer which I mentioned with establish social media presence or having a blog in place. However, authors often end up in Best American anthologies and as the recipients of Pushcart prizes.

Editors mentions "It is the story that counts, a story worthy of the serious attention of the intelligent reader, a story that is compelling, written with distinction." Word count is flexible, but published stories tend to be under 5,000 words.

Deadline: Open except for the period of June 1 to August 31

Payment: $20 per printed page plus two contributor copies.



AGNI, they're looking for short stories for money that are thought-provoking. Its editors are looking more into the bigger environmental and controversial that the whole world is talking about such as nature, mankind, society we're in.

There are no word limits, but shorter is generally better; "The longer a piece is, the better it needs to be to justify taking up so much space in the magazine," note the submission guidelines.

Deadline: Open September 1 to May 31

Payment: $10 per printed page (up to a max of $150) plus a year's subscription, two contributor's copies and four gift copies.

8. Barrelhouse

Barrelhouse is non-profit organization, its editors look for quality writing that's also edgy and funny — as they say, they "want to be your weird Internet friend."  There's no hard word count, but your submission should be least than 8,000 words.

Deadline: Currently open for book reviews only, their criteria varies from time to time, its best to check the site out for recent updates.

Payment: $50 plus two contributor copies (print journal); unpaid (online issue).

9. Cincinnati Review

Cincinnati Review works with all genres and any stories that they would accept. Its editors want "work that has energy," that is "rich in language and plot structure" and "that's not just ecstatic, but that makes is reader feel ecstatic, too." Fiction and nonfiction submissions should be no more than 40 double-spaced pages.

Deadline: September 1 to March 1

Payment: $25 per prose in journal.

10. The First Line

The First Line focuses more towards seasonal short stories. Your short stories have to be at least 300 to 5,000 words max.

For the highest chance to get approved, it's to write 4 different seasonal content depends on company request which the season might change if they want to focus on producing money-making short stories for other countries.

Deadline: February 1 (spring); May 1 (summer); August 1 (fall); November 1 (winter)

Payment: $25 to $50 (fiction); $25 (nonfiction) plus a contributor's copy.

11. The Georgia Review

The Georgia Review unlike the New Yorker, it's easier for you to submit your short stories for money. They are covering variety of topics that you can produce stories for. Their submission guideline varied, but the common theme among them is quality. With that said, word counts is essential which at least has to be 300 words.

Deadline: Opens on August 15

Payment: $50 per printed page.

12. Boulevard Magazine

Boulevard Magazine knowns for intake new money-making short stories from new writers. If you're less experience, or just starting out, this is a great place that you want to submit short stories for money. Only for fiction and non-fiction, and word counts shouldn't be more than 8,000 words. There is a submission fee of $3.

Deadline: Open October 1 to May 1

Payment: $100 to $300

13. Camera Obscura

Camera Obscura is great place submit for short stories for money, they're focusing more towards imagery. Like they say, an image shares a 1,000 words.

If you're make money by writing in the fiction section, the word count should 250 words to 8,000 word counts. For exception novella, your short stories have to be at least 12,000 words to 30,000 word counts.

The longer your short stories, and quality focus, the higher chance that you could be getting approved.

Deadline: Guideline varied from time-to-time which you'll have to check on the website on a regular basis.

Payment: $1,000 to one featured writer published.

14. Crazyhorse

Crazyhorse is more beginner friendly, they're openly accept any short stories if you submit, no limitation on style or form. The word counts is between 2,500 to 8,000 words.

Deadline: Open for submissions from September 1 to May 31, except for the month of January.

Payment: $20 – $200 per printed page.

15. Story

Story magazines is another great one. However, I believe they focus more towards quality and they're openly accept any short stories.

Deadline: Open

Payment: Not specified.

16. Vestal Review

Vestal Review prefers your short stories to be extremely short, I'm talking about 500 words and that's all.

With that said, quality selection upon approval is high. You cannot confuse the editors with longer word counts short stories.

They're working within all categories. However, they're charging for submission. There is a submission fee of $2 for each submission. Previous contributors may not be charged.

Deadline: Submission periods are February to May and August to November

Payment: Not specified.

17. Flash Fiction Online

Flash Fiction Online is another beginner friendly site that you submit short stories for money. This is not hard to make money by writing. The word count is from 500 words to 1,000 words.

The best part?

FFO accepts previously published short stories in their reprint category that means you don't have to write any more stories but you can just republished them.

Deadline: Open

Payment: $60 per story, two cents per word for reprints.

updates:let me know if you like more of these companies in the comment so that I could complete the rest.

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Make Money by Writing – Conclusion.

I hope by now, you have a clearer picture on how you can make money with your story using the several tricks that I shared with you. Now it's your turn, share this post on Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Pinterest.

Bottom line, have a blog is important. You can learn how to start a travel blog in that article. With that said, checkout my #1 resources.

FAQs – Make Money by Writing for #1 World Top Company.

Where to submit short stories for money?

I mentioned 2 places that you can submit short stories for money is Penpee and Google, and I mention how you can make money online following those instruction I shared.

How to sell short stories on amazon?

I share how you can sell short stories for cash by doing book review which you could look at the above section.

Do short story blogs make money?

A blog is the seed of make money by writing, without a blog you'll find difficulty to make money by simply using the money-making method in 4-easy ways above.

How to make money online by writing stories?

To make money online by writing stories is to find a book with great reviews and write article on that.

How to make money by publishing and selling short stories?

You can make money by publishing and selling short stories by starting a blog and publish your story there and also use other money-making platforms like Penpee and Google to sell.

Do Short Story Blogs Make Money


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